First Baptist School

Parent's Pledge

We, as parents or guardians, are accepting God’s command to “train up a child in the way he should go,” and do state that this training will also be a part of our home environment. We are placing our child(ren) in First Baptist School to further this process of training. We recognize that discipline is essential to the learning process and that self-discipline on the part of the student is of utmost importance; therefore, we will endeavor to develop the quality of self-discipline in our child at home as the school develops it through the classroom.

We understand, as parents, that the curriculum, statement of faith, textbooks, equipment, methods, testing, counseling, discipline and philosophy of the school are all needed and necessary parts of a program that will develop a maturing Christian student. We have, therefore, read the entire school handbook, and we will insist that our child abide by the standards of the school.

We further understand that attending a Christian school is a privilege and pledge, that if our child does not respond favorably to the school, we will withdraw them quietly and without delay. Six weeks is adequate for most students. The student who has not adjusted by the end of twelve weeks will be asked to withdraw.

We, hereby, invest authority in the school to Biblically discipline and correct our child. We further agree that we will cooperate with the school and discipline our child in the home as needed. (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:6; 23:13-14; 19:15-17; Colossians 3:2; Hebrews 12:6)

We understand that assessments will be made to cover damage to school property (including breakage of windows, abuse of books, defacing desks, etc.)

We agree to pay the tuition according to schedule. We understand, that if tuition schedule responsibilities are not met, our child may be suspended from school until all delinquent payments are made and that report cards and records will not be released until the account is settled in full.

We, hereby, grant permission for our child to attend all field trips. We also understand that our child will be expected to attend the Christmas program and other musical programs if our child participates in those musical groups which will be performing.

We, as parents, do sincerely and whole-heartedly give our pledge to all items as stated above for this school year.

Your acceptance of this pledge is signified by your submitting the Online Registration or Re-enrollment form.